It is very easy to take an HVAC system for granted. Most of the time, the only thing you need to do in order to ensure that it works the way you want it to is to adjust the thermostat. However, sometimes, something will go wrong with your system, and you will stop taking it for granted. At this point, you will likely want to call in an HVAC professional to come to fix what is wrong with your system, so that you can go back to experiencing a comfortable controlled temperature.
There are many reasons why you might want to work with HVAC professionals. For example, you might want to call a heating company to help with AC heating maintenance. Air conditioning professionals can come in to fix issues with your air conditioner and ventilation system. Overall, air heating and cooling services can be more useful than most people know. If you don’t know what is going on with your HVAC system and feel like you need help with it, you can call one of these professionals and have them come to your home and diagnose the problem. They may even be able to fix it, or at least answer any questions that you might have on the topic.

Mysterious green substances leaking into a rural creek sounds like an event more likely to happen in a comic book than in real life. However, this is exactly what happened in Chesterfield County, VA in early February, causing HAZMAT units to be dispatched to an area near the local jail. Fortunately, leak tests and other research has since revealed that the substance was not antifreeze, as was initially reported.

On February 7, a HAZMAT crew was summoned to a creek which runs alongside the walking trails of the Chesterfield County Government Complex to examine a bright green substance. Attributed to HVAC units at the nearby jail, the team determined that the liquid was antifreeze, a poisonous material that can often attract children and pets with its sweet, inviting odor. County officials quickly assured local residents that the area’s drinking supply was not compromised. However, they warned people to avoid contact with the green liquid for their own safety.
Fortunately, within a few days the Chesterfield County Department of Environmental Engineering reported that the leaking substance was not antifreeze. Instead, the organization found that the liquid was comprised of a dye used in leak detection services, a rust inhibitor and propylene glycol. While the latter sounds similar to ethylene glycol, the chemical associated with antifreeze, propylene glycol is an FDA-approved additive consumed by humans and animals.
Leak testing is a common service used to check and assure the quality of a number of different implements, ranging from medical devices to HVAC equipment. There are a variety of different leak detection systems that manufacturers can use to test their products, ranging from helium leak detectors to air leak test equipment, which can be selected for their cost, efficacy and other factors. However, regardless of which method is selected, the users must meet several standards to prove the integrity of the object being tested.
Over the course of several days, an environmental clean up company reportedly collected more than 200,000 gallons of contaminated water. However, the agency stated that there had been no adverse environmental effect and no aquatic toxicity noted in the contaminated area.