Over 40% Of American Households Have Been Affected By Computer Viruses How To Stay Safe

Basic computer maintenance

Your computer doesn’t have to be a mystical, foreign entity. Keeping it running smoothly, updating it on a regular basis and occasionally taking it to computer repair services will help immensely in extending the lifespan of your personal computer or laptop for the long haul. It can be easy to circumvent simple tasks like virus removal or web development, particularly when you have so much to focus on throughout the day, but basic computer maintenance is a must to avoid any nasty surprises. Let’s dive into what separates a healthy computer from a struggling one and how you can best use computer repair services to your advantage before you need it most.

Did You Know?

You’re not the only one with computer problems out there! Every week over 140,000 hard drives will crash across the country and around 30% of PC users have lost all of their files due to events well out of their control. Back in 2014 the revenue for both electronic and computer repair services ranged from $20 billion to $21 billion, making this an industry that will only grow as technology gets better and demand increases. If you think you don’t need PC repair, you may want to play it on the safe side…


Browsing, shopping and communicating can be done almost anywhere. Smartphones and tablets are some of the best ways to do what you need to do on the fly and figures have been showing a steady increase in the amount of smartphone usage among all demographics. The most popular personally owned device used casually for work is a desktop computer at 42% in a recent study, but this is followed very closely behind with the smartphone at 40%.


If you’re a business-owner constantly on-the-go or a student who needs to bounce between work and classes, chances are you’re the owner of a laptop. Studies have shown nearly 80% of adults under the age of 30 own either a laptop or home computer, though this number has decreased a little since 2010. Tablet computer ownership has squeaked up to 45% among adults according to a new survey from the Pew Research Center, but don’t count home computers out yet!

Home Computers

Prefer a home computer? These are where you work, browse and relax at the end of a long day. When a virus or spam threatens to ruin that experience, you’ll do whatever it takes to restore your computer to its former glory. Studies have shown 40% of all American households having been affected by viruses recently, with eight million households having had spyware problems within the past six months. Overall? 24 million households experience heavy spam on the regular.

Using Computer Repair Services

Spam, viruses and spyware can lay waste to your computer, smartphone or laptop. When you’re worried about your private information being shared or your hard drive being compromised, it’s time to make use of your resources and ask for professional help. You can ask for your tablet or laptop to have a simple check-up to diagnose any problems as well as advice about how to prevent issues in the future. Common wisdom dictates you be wary of websites that don’t look legitimate and to run a virus scan at least once a week, particularly if you browse a lot. Take good care of your computer and take it to the proverbial doctor next time you see a virus alert. You’ll thank yourself later!