Large format is a general term for posters, billboards, hoardings, floor stickers, among others. Large format is usually words, pictures, or drawings in large sizes. Extra large laminating pouches are used in printing large documents and pictures. A digital back picture is placed at the center of the pouch for printing. The large scale format is widely used in commercial advertisements, for instance, large scale signage. They help display and capture the attention of potential customers. Others may help show something undetectable from far away. For instance, at a bar’s entrance located on the third floor of a building.
Cardboard sign printing has become common, especially in cafeterias and restaurants. For example, cardboard printed with writings showing discount offers or services offered. You have probably seen magnified words on an enlarged cube or a rectangle-like plastic box that read something like “ENTRANCE.” Such writings are called large format sign printing because they give directions.
In most cases, when pictures are enlarged, they blur and lose their original touch. Sometimes you may wonder how billboard pictures are printed, such that they display accuracy. The high-quality large formatted picture uses a special sensor attached to the negative of the analog camera, enabling high-quality large format digital back pictures.

When you think of large format printing, probably what comes to mind are large banners and signs. But there are plenty of creative advertising ideas that go beyond advertising banners and custom poster printing. Here are three big ideas to consider:
- Photo BackdropsWhat could be better than getting your customers to do your marketing for you? That’s exactly the situation you’re setting up by creating a custom photo area. This could be a funny photo op you set up as part of your everyday operations (especially if you’re in an area with heavy foot traffic) or a red-carpet style backdrop at an event. Make sure you have adequate lighting and an employee with a good digital camera manning the photo station; as people take photos, tell them that you’ll be posting them online on Facebook or other social media platforms. As people tag themselves and share the photos with friends online, they’ll be creating buzz around your brand.
- Window Graphics
If you have a storefront, you may also have quite a bit of open window space. Custom window graphics are the perfect way to make the most of this advertising opportunity without blocking light or making your building feel claustrophobic. Vinyl window graphics look clean and professional (unlike window paint, the other medium that most closely simulates the effect) and cause no damage to windows when you’re ready to remove the graphics or switch them out.
- Building and Vehicle WrapsWhen it comes to making the most of your advertising budget, it makes sense to leverage assets you’re already paying for: your building and your company cars. Contrary to their name, not all building wraps actually have to go around all four sides of your building — though they can, if you like. And custom vehicle wraps can range from a sophisticated logo on the side door to an all-over zebra print, if that’s what best represents your company.
How else can large format printing be put to creative use? Share your ideas in the comments.
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