Sometimes small things matter.
A popular meme on social media touts the virtue of not sweating the small stuff. In the world of search engine optimization services, however, sweating the small stuff can get your product or service to the top of the million of internet searches that consumers conduct every day.
Leaving the search engine optimization strategies to a marketing and digital media provider, however, is the way to make sure the small stuff gets done while at the same time allowing your business to concentrate on its products and services.
Search Engine Optimization Services Provide Customers with Constant Content That Drives Consumers Searches
It should come as no surprise that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. The secret then to attracting customers to your company is to make sure that your name lands at the top of those searches. This, however, is not an easy task for most companies. At a bowling pro shop, for example, the two owners are busy working with customers, drilling balls, and ordering and checking in inventory. At a gift boutique, the owner may think that she can attend to search engine marketing work during the hours that her two paid staff work. In reality, however, when she is not working the floor and serving customers she is busy with going to market, ordering product, and maintaining inventory lists.
For many small business owners, in fact, search engine optimization services are the bet solution. a contracted staff can provide any business with specific organic content that can move a company’s name to the top of search lists. The latest marketing research indicates that even though they pop up, sing songs, and travel across the screen, paid ads are ignored by as many as 70% to 80% of users. Instead, users focus on organic results. Organic results and content that can be generated as often as needed by a contracted search engine firm.
Owning Words Is the Key to SEO Success
Social media marketing involves the ability to make sure that a potential customer who looks at products or services online is reminded of that search enough times that they finally take action. When you shop for tank tops and long sleeve shirts that have been put on sale on your daughters’ favorite clothing site, you should not be surprised when similar products from that same company show up on your social media news feed. Building brand loyalty is one goal of these social media reminders.
And while increasing brand loyalty is a goal for current customers, catching the attention of potential customers is the goal for another kind of marketing. By owning certain keywords, for instance, a company can increase its chances at being at the top of a search request by any customer. For instance, an outdoor clothing company may want to attempt to own certain words like: waterproof hiking boots, mountain hiking boots, and waterproof hiking shoes.
The path to owning those words is by creating organic content that features them. For this to happen, search engine marketing services have to generate a lot of content that links those specific words back to a website. Because of the amount of content that is needed, few businesses, large or small, can generate enough content themselves. Instead, they hire outside marketing firms and direct them toward topics and ideas that they want covered. in fact, local search companies often work closely with businesses to create interesting digital content that will help feature the unique products and services of a company.
Getting a Customer to Land on Your Site Is Only Half of the Battle
Simply attracting customers to a website, however, does not guarantee success. Today’s digital customer is easily distracted. If, for instance, a user has to wait even a few seconds for a page to load, they will likely return to the original list of search results and move to the next entry. Many search engine optimization services, therefore, also make sure the companies they service also have the most up to date web sites. Sites that load quickly, are easy to navigate, and are able to easily adjust to a variety of platforms including: laptop, tablet, and mobile devices.