Discoveries in technology has propelled civilization forward leaps and bounds in a relatively short amount of time. The seemingly endless applications for new — and old! — technology continue to advance us as a species into new ages of progress and intelligence. Take for example, the x-ray. Attributed in 1895 to the German physicist Wilhelm Rontgen for its discovery and first uses, it has developed over the course of a little more than a century to cover a wide range of uses.
From bones in the hand to industrial x-ray inspection
Rontgen’s first medical x-ray was a shot of his wife’s hand, ring and all. The uses for medical x-rays have expanded over the years and it is a key component in the medical world today, particularly to assess fractures and other internal issues. But it has grown much bigger than the world of medicine. X-rays have also made airports much safer, and even more recently, industrial x-ray inspection services are provided to ensure products and components in the manufacturing world. As technology allows our imaginations to build things that past generations perhaps only dreamed, we now also have the ability to inspect these creations in ways that were never before accessible by us.
The business of providing industrial x-ray inspections
In manufacturing, it is crucial to put out top-of-the-line products so that your customers receive the best possible service and products, and so that your business does not suffer bad reviews or publicity. There are many different ways to inspect products, but many traditional techniques, even those employing relatively recent technology, aren’t totally reliable or thorough. Using x-rays not only speeds up the process, as they can be taken as quickly as 30 frames each second, but is also sensitive enough to not harm fragile components and accurate enough to project useful data. The x-rays can also capture tiny parts, ranging in a minuscule size of .5 millimeters in length to parts that are 660 millimeters in diameter. And the use of computerized tomography, or CT scans, can greatly reduce inspection costs. These and other expenses can be diminished by anywhere from 25% to 75% in comparison to the use of other technology.
Whether there are parts that need to be inspected internally for flaws or to verify the integrity of a weld, the use of x-rays in an industrial setting can propel a business forward into success and progress.