Our lives are so heavily shaped by technology that many people couldn’t imagine their day-to-day lives without it. There are obvious examples, such as the smartphones that almost everyone carries everywhere with them, and less obvious instances, such as the security systems that protect families and their homes every day. Whether you’re at your place of work or you’re cozied up in your home, you are probably surrounded by technology and rely on it for various jobs or purposes. To gain a true appreciation for the technological advancements that shape our world, and to perhaps discover a form of technology you never knew about, let’s take a look at some of the primary ways interacting with technology has completely transformed everyday life. If you were able to tell a person who lived 200 years ago, or even just 50 years ago, that you could send a message to your friend in a matter of seconds and receive their response before you even blinked an eye, they would probably think that you’re a witch. But this miracle isn’t witchcraft, it’s our day-to-day practice of interacting with technology. For centuries, our ancestors relied on writing letters and having them hand-delivered to their destination. This process would take weeks, sometimes even months if the letters were traveling far. Even our parents and grandparents only had telephones and telegrams as their primary form of communication. These certainly worked more quickly than letters, but this type of communication pales in comparison to the lightning speed of communication that we’re accustomed to today. For that, we have modern technology to thank. More than 3.8 billion people, or about 40% of the world’s population, use the internet today. Also known as the worldwide web, the invention of the internet is perhaps one of the most revolutionary advances in the field of communication. Because of the internet, the world also has social networking websites, email, video conferences, and so much more. All of these forms of communications blossomed from the internet. Even something as seemingly simple as a website can be an essential tool for communication, particularly in the business world. Custom made websites serve to tell potential customers about a business, its services, and its purpose. Rather than having to hand out flyers or knock on doors to tell the world about your business, you can create a custom website and properly market it in order to get the word out. Communicating with other people who live across the world has never been easier, and that’s all thanks to modern ways of interacting with technology. Children can receive a cultural education that would have been unthinkable in past decades, all because of video conferencing, emails, or even just texting. Countries can share essential information with one another because of technology that allows for instant communication, giving everyone the opportunity to stay up-to-date on important news and information. Scientific advancements in the field of medicine and health go hand-in-hand with the advancements in interacting with technology. Without technology that progresses with the times and advances to meet modern health needs, scientists and doctors wouldn’t be able to develop the cures and treatments that keep us healthy. In hospitals and surgical rooms alone, there is now a range of modern technology that has helped to drastically reduce the number of mistakes doctors make. Where they might not have had the tools to make the proper diagnoses in the past, doctors now have access to x-ray technology, monitors, and tests that can help them accurately see what is affecting a patient. With the right diagnosis, they can provide the right treatment and get the patient on the path to health. Beyond the lab equipment that doctors can now rely on to properly treat their patients, technology has also provided increased access to treatment. The world of healthcare is now at the average citizen’s fingertips, all because of the internet. You can use the internet to look up your symptoms and find at-home treatments to cure easy ailments. If you find out that you need to see a doctor for treatment, the information the internet provided will have spurred you to take action earlier than you might have without it. Of course, it is important to remember to not take everything the internet says as the truth, especially when it comes to diagnosing symptoms. Leave that to the doctors, but use the internet to learn more about certain illnesses and prevention tips. People today are also interacting with technology so that they can monitor health properties like their weight and heart rate. There are many apps for your smartphone or computer that can keep track of these numbers and allow you to view them at any time of the day. Modern technology also allows doctors to use emails, video chatting, and texting to provide virtual healthcare for patients who live in rural areas and cannot get to the doctor’s office. Doctors can also communicate with one another through these channels, allowing for a more open spread of health knowledge. Housing has started interacting with technology in major ways, especially in just the last year or two. Many of the features you have in your home can be automated, from your door locks to the lighting in each room. Smart home technology is a huge market right now, as it allows for all of this automation. Homes around the world now have voice assistants, such as Alexa on the Echo from Amazon or Google’s Home and Nest. These assistants allow residents to simply ask for information out loud, like what the temperature is outside, and they will get an answer from the voice assistant. If you have the voice assistant connected to other smart devices in your home, you can use simple commands to have it play music, lock doors, and control the television. Advanced technology has also changed the efficiency of the appliances and utilities in the modern home. Solar energy panels, for example, are a more recent technological advancement that allows homeowners to power their home’s electricity with the sun. Not only do these panels help decrease the amount of non-renewable resources we use, but they can help lower a homeowner’s electricity bill. Other efficient technology advances include energy-efficient dishwashers, refrigerators, and washers that help the environment while cutting down on energy costs. Interacting with technology can take on many more forms than just logging onto a computer or using a smart refrigerator at home. Technological advancements have transformed how people structure their beauty routines and the products they use. Certain blow dryers and hair straighteners are able to measure the air temperature and other factors to calculate how much heat to apply to your hair to achieve shiny perfection. Salons can access the latest technology to find the perfect treatments and solutions for your hair needs. Dental treatments have also seen many changes because of technological advances. More and more dentists are interacting with technology by using methods for teeth whitening and straightening that rely on technological advancements. Invisalign aligners, for instance, are made with custom 3D imaging technology so that each patient gets the perfect fit. Throughout an Invisalign treatment, you receive a series of perfectly fitted aligners to help you get the straight smile you’ve always dreamed of. The skincare industry has also seen different advancements as of late. Of course, different advancements have let to products such as age spot cream, which can cover up signs of aging. Outside of creams that you can use at home, there are many other advancements in the beauty industry. Botox and other injections have advanced because of medical technology and have become a viable option for people looking to improve the appearance of their skin. Various gadgets and apps have also been developed to give the average person more access to information on skincare than ever before. Just as interacting with technology has transformed our personal lives, it has permanently changed how businesses operate. In addition to selling products and providing services in person, most businesses now offer their goods online as well. This can allow businesses to reach a much wider audience, but also requires them to think about more elements, such as packaging for e-commerce. To address these areas, however, businesses can turn yet again to technological solutions as they create packaging with online resources or find professional designers online. Businesses that don’t sell products online are also seeing their daily operations changed by technology. Companies that operate primarily in offices, such as a law, accounting, or PR firm, can work more efficiently and collaboratively when they use the latest technology. Advances such as video conferencing, various chat software, and smart devices have all changed how certain companies do business. Technological advances have even allowed jobs that traditionally had to be done in an office to instead be done from home. Professionals in all different types of industries can enjoy more flexible work environments because of the proliferation of laptops and tablets as well as the adoption of cloud computing. Cloud computing allows workers to store and use data and applications on a server, which they can then access from wherever they want to work. Most often, professionals are setting up home offices or even just stretching out on the couch to get some work done. Getting an education used to be an achievement reserved for the rich and privileged, as you would have to travel distances to the best universities and then pay for your tuition there as well as any other supplies you would need for your studies. While going to college is certainly still a privilege and often costs quite a bit of money, technology has opened up a world of possibilities for more affordable and accessible education. In addition to the vast amount of information about almost anything in the world that is available on the internet, many colleges offer online courses. People who are interested in just learning about one or two subjects can skip the expenses of enrolling for an entire degree at a college and can instead pick and choose the courses they want to take. These a-la-carte courses are often much more affordable and some are even completely free. From elementary school to college, students in classrooms are also benefitting from interacting with technology. Modern classrooms often have iPads available for student use so that they can share presentations, visual lessons, or examples of their work with their peers. With these tools in their hands, students can feel more empowered and in control of their own education. The ability to take their tablets or laptops wherever they go also allows students to do their work with friends wherever they’re most comfortable and not be stuck in computer labs. This flexibility allows for more collaboration between students and less restrictive learning environments. The ways in which we are interacting with technology spread through all areas of our lives. Whether you’re pre-ordering a coffee through your smartphone or you’re using video conferencing to talk with colleagues thousands of miles away, technological advancements are impacting your life. Without them, the modern world just wouldn’t be the same.
Beauty and Health