It’s all about the presentation. The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) services is to present their clients in the best possible way, at the best possible times, to the best possible audience.
A visit to any tradeshow booth provides an example of what the goals are for a presentation that creates a lasting impact on customers:
- Preview A top trade show secret is to capture your potential audience before they enter the event. This is exactly the goal of SEO services. These teams of marketing professionals want to capture their client?s audience before they enter the internet. That?s why the primary SEO strategy is to make sure that their clients are the top of any related internet search.
- Engage Another SEO marketing company strategy is to prove that they are engaging the client?s potential customers. One way they measure engagement is by offering a pay per click strategy. The client only pays when an internet user clicks on a word or phrase that leads them to the client site.
- Attraction SEO services understand that the main way to attract customers is with high quality images along with copy that links to their client?s site. In fact, a 2013 NewsCred survey found that articles with images get 94% more views than articles that do not have images. Just as a tradeshow booth might have a small drone attracting an audience to their booth, an SEO service knows that an attraction must be something visible that catches the clinet?s eye.
- Content One of the first things a tradeshow planning committee will do is plan to deliver valuable content to their visitors. A company may, for example, roll out a new product coninciding with the time of the trade show. Valuable content, or new product information, catches people?s attention at a trade show, just as specific written content will attract viewers to a website.
Presentation matters, whether you are displaying your product at a trade show or you are finding ways to display a product on the internet. The best SEO services know that they must be able to create an initial presentation that immediately draws in users.
The fact that a website only has 10 seconds or less to capture a user is an indicator of how powerful an SEO presentation must be. An SEO consultant knows that they have to create powerful content that loads quickly if they want to have the chance to drive customers to their chosen site. What is your business doing to create a powerful internet presentation that will capture your share of the 27 million searches done a day? Maybe it is time that you contract with an SEO service to get the results you need.