When weighing out your options for affordable website design, it’s important to make sure that the services offered will give you the competitive edge you’re after. There’s no point in hiring any sort of internet marketing experts if the site you end up with doesn’t employ any of the current trends that experts say are motivating sales and driving traffic. Point being, the most affordable website design might not be very effective. Here are a few things you shouldn’t be without:
Content Management System
Having a content management system (CMS) means there’s an ongoing stream of fresh, relevant information feeding onto your site. As an internet marketing strategy, this keeps your ranking higher on Google while also giving online visitors something more to chew on other than the same old list of goods and services. One way to try and get your content to stand out over that of others in your field is to make sure it has a local angle – news and events in your area plus tips about other relevant businesses not in direct competition with yours make you a potentially valuable community resource.
Quality Copy
Online visibility is heavily influenced by good copywriting. The purpose of an article on a website is to inform, and also to be shared. A quality blog post is one that’s worthy of the reader wanting to let friends know, sending them to your website as a result. Similarly, you should have high quality copywriters designing the content on the site about your business itself. Even the more attractive looking website may not be the one that gets people investing in a given service, which is why it’s so important for affordable website design companies to know what the target audience is and be able to create designs that speak to them.
Search Engine Optimization
Most importantly, the best website designs are ones that incorporate good search engine optimization (SEO) from the beginning. SEO is becoming increasingly important as more companies are realizing that they need a website that effectively drives traffic. Often, however, the site hierarchy is a mess, tags aren’t added or properly formatted, and copy for the page doesn’t jibe with how search engines read and index.
Good references.