You have reached a point where you’re thinking about your website…either you need it because you don’t have one, or your website is ineffective on a number of levels and needs to be replaced. You’re in the Philly area, so naturally you’re thinking about a Philadelphia website design company.
But how do you choose the Philadelphia website design company that’s right for you and what you want to accomplish? Here are some things to consider…
1) How does the company present itself to you? How polished is their presentation? How well do you believe the principals understand business? Do you like their website?
2) Who do you know that they do design for? A referral in this business is vital. Graphic design firms philadelphia that do good work have an adoring clientele.
3) How long has this company been in business? The Philadelphia website design landscape is littered with the carcasses of small graphic design philadelphia firms that burst on the scene and flamed out quickly. If the company you’re looking at has been around awhile and they’ve already passed your first and second steps, keep going.
4) Do your own research about the company, and be especially sensitive to feedback which may be posted on the Philadelphia website design company’s website or available elsewhere. The Better Business Bureau may have an opinion. Has the firm been written up in the local media?
5. Do you like the work this company has done? Philadelphia web designers are a varied breed and even though a company has passed on your first four items, their work may not be to your your taste.
6. What’s the deliverables track record of the company? Do you sense any history of delays that might mean the company is thin in staff and abundant in promises? The Philadelphia website design company you choose should present you with results, on time, not late headaches.
7. Who does the work? Don’t wait to find out that the programmers working on your site are in Bangladesh. Ask if the work is done locally or overseas. If the worked is outsourced offshore, that can create a whole level of new problems for you.
8. Do you own the code or does the Philadelphia website design company? If you don’t own it, find another company. Otherwise, you just put all your eggs in one basket.
9. Is this a company you want to work with? Can this Philadelphia website design company keep you informed, meet deadlines, and make you happy in the end…and do you like and respect the people you’re working with?